My appointment was actually quite fun. I got to wear this fun dressy while I waited for the doctor to check me out:
And I got to have a sucker and sticker when it was all said and done. Mom and Dad were very impressed at how well I handled having blood drawn from my arm. Dad held me (which made Mom a little nervous since my old man doesn't handle needles and blood all that well himself) and I didn't even make a peep when the nurses stuck the needle in my arm to get the blood out. Easy peasy!
This weekend we went on a road trip down to Papa Owie's. Mom, Dad and I drove down yesterday and spent the day hanging out at his house. It was too rainy and yucky to play outside so we all got a little touch of the cooped up fever. But we went out to dinner at a cool restaurant and that was a nice break. I ordered the corn dogs with french fries, but I was MUCH more interested in Mom's crab legs. I may only be two, but I've got a very refined palate.
Today we headed further south to Cresco, Iowa to have a belated Easter celebration at my Greataunt Judy and Greatuncle David's house. The food was fantastic and a nod to tradition, I was told. (It was my first Noe Easter experience.) After dinner it was time for the kids to have an Easter egg hunt. There aren't many of us kids to participate-not like back when Mommy was a kid-but we still had a great time. Here we are: Meg, Nate, me and Madeline, all waiting to get started. (I'm told the hunt is usually held outdoors in Judy and Dave's fantastic backyard, but due to weather, we hunted in the basement.)
My Megan helped me find eggs after she had found hers. What a great cousin!
I'm not sure how much Madeline understood of what was going on, but she sure seemed to be enjoying herself. (That's her mommy, Angela holding her, and behind her is her Grandma Carolyn and Aunt Erin-they are my mom's cousin's wife, my mom's aunt and my mom's cousin, respectively.)
We were having so much fun that it was tough to leave. But my parents finally decided when I was two and a half hours past naptime and was having a lot of trouble standing on my own two feet that we'd better hit the road. I was asleep in the truck in no time, safely tucked in the back with my monkey, Nuk, Dopey ears pillow, milk and Husker blanket.