As our dad would say: "Oh my oh my oh my." Two children may only be twice as many as one child, but the level of activity around here seems to have multiplied by much more than two. Especially when it comes to diaper duty. Do you people out there have any idea how much a new baby poops?!?! Just trying to keep up with his dirty diapers is enough to wear a big sister out. I like to help Mom and Dad by getting a clean diaper, opening the "medicine" (diaper rash cream) and then "washing" my hands with the hand sanitizer.
Life around here is so busy that I'm (obviously) not able to keep up with regular posting. And now that I have finally found time to post, I have to apologize for the lack of organization and flow to the post. To put it simply, it's just a bunch of random pictures thrown on the blogosphere. But I'm sure it will satisfy your curiosities just the same, even if the post does lack my usual unique and perfectionistic layout and writing style.
Oh, by the way. Mom and Dad and I took Leighton to the doctor today (because he finally caught the cold that the rest of us have had-no worries though-just a run of the mill cold and the doc gave Leighton some eye stuff to clear up the nasty eye, nasal drops for the nose, and Poop Goop for the diaper rash) and he weighs a whopping 10 pounds and 1 ounce!! Can you even believe the little porker?!?! To his defense, he would like me to clarify that the nurse left his diaper and clothing on so he may actually weigh a few ounces less than that. But still? Wow.
So, on with the pictures...
Mom loving on Leighton.
Leighton hanging out in his glider.
Leighton getting ready to go to the zoo in a cute monkey outfit. (Which he's already outgrown!)

Mom, Grandma Jan, Leighton and I went to the zoo with my daycare friends. It was super fun!!
Leighton had to borrow my sunglasses one day when he was hanging out in the sun rays. This was in his early days when he still had some jaundice and needed to sunbathe (in indirect sun of course) to get rid of it.
We call him "Lazy Leighton" because he likes to sleep. A lot.
I've found some time in all the craziness to play outside. I especially like to play with my bubble maker.

Grandma Trish came to visit us for a few days last week. One day we got to go to Lake Calhoun with Aunt Sue and Uncle Lars for a walk and a picnic. So much fun!
Sometimes I like to make funny faces to keep everyone laughing.
And if the funny faces don't work, there's always my wardrobe choices and moptop hair that I sometimes won't let my mommy tame.
Aunt Jenni likes to snuggle with Leighton. She says it almost makes her want to have another kid. But only almost. Look at this strong boy and his Tummy Time Tricks! He can already lift his head up.
Leighton can't get his toys out by himself so I like to help him out by dumping them all on top of him. Aren't I just the most helpful helper?!?
Professional's Corner:
We visited the portrait studio to have some professional pics taken. I've got to say, we're a couple of good looking kids!!

I hope you enjoyed. I gotta run. The baby pooped again!
Taylor (and Leighton)