Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Time for a random upload/update with random pictures taken lately...

Here I am in my new raincoat holding Lana the Iguana. She's our healthy eating mascot at daycare and she got to come spend a night at our house.

Here's Lana and me all ready for bed.
Ever wonder what a crazed preschooler looks like? Well, here it is:

Baby + Spaghetti and Meatballs = Dire Need for a Bath

Daddy celebrated his 32nd birthday on April 11th. If you know golf, you'll know that his birthday fell during Master's Weekend so he spent much of his special day watching the final round of the big event. We celebrated with dinner from Buca (yum!) and carrot cake (Dad's favorite) between the good parts of the Master's.

Weeelllll...that's all I got. I've got a big weekend coming up. Grandma Trish and Papa Steve are coming up from Nebraska and we're having a birthday shindig for me on Friday night. Saturday I'm sure we'll do lots of playing before heading off to a baby shower. Sunday we're hitting the highways and biways to head to Great Aunt Judy and Great Uncle David's for a belated Easter celebration. I'll be sure to share digital pictorial proof of all events soon.
Taylor (and Leighton)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

It's a Zoo Out There!

Happy birthday to me people. On Saturday I turned three years old. Three years old! Can you even believe it?!?! As I like to say these days, HOLY MOLY!

To celebrate my birthday, I went with part of my family on an outing to the zoo. Unfortunately, my dad was out of town for work so he couldn't go with us. I was accompanied by Mom, Grandma Jan, Papa Bob, Aunt Jenni, Megan and Nate. We had a super fun time and took it all in. Mom was amazed at how well I held up given that we usually only stay at the zoo for a few hours and our trip there yesterday lasted for six hours.

(Of course, meltdowns of monstrous proportions ensued in the car until I finally passed out. And again when I woke up at home. See, on a side note, Mom and Dad decided that since I turned three this weekend, that should also mean that I no longer need my nummies. All of them were taken away from me-ripped from my hands and mouth and mailed off to "some other baby that needs them now". So it's been a little tough for me to calm down when I get worked up. If I could just find one somewhere around here to hide under my pillow when I need a fix...)

Here are some pictures from our fun day. Enjoy!

Happy New Week!
Taylor (and Leighton)

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Easter News

Here are some pics from the Easter activities in which we participated.

Easter Egg Hunt...

Leighton had to sit in the stroller. Too young to hunt eggs. Sorry 'bout your luck Lil Buddy.

Adults dressed as bunnies are creepy, but I still posed for the picture.

Easter hunting madness and mayhem:

Pause for playground photo op:

Then there was the homestead Easter festivities...
I made a nice snack of sugar snap peas and carrots for the Easter Bunny:

We got up in the morning and found all the eggs and goodies that T.E. Bunny hid around the house, but unfortunately, we don't have digital documentation.
Then we went to church for a beautiful service celebrating the resurrection of our Savior, Jesus Christ.
After that, it was off to Aunt Jenni and Uncle John's for more Easter hunting, grubbing on some yummy food and LOTS of playing outside on the beautiful day.

Well...I thin there's some more pictures trapped in the camera. If I can manage to access them I'll try to post another blog for all our fans out there.
Take care all!
Taylor (and Leighton)
P.S. For those keeping track, and especially for those NOT keeping track, in just SIX short days, I'll be THREE YEARS OLD!!! What?!?! Wow.