It was a Super Busy Week around our house!!! Daddy had to do some traveling. He got to go to the super exciting town of Sioux Falls, South Dakota for a super exciting trade show. Mommy had a super fun time having approximately 30 super conferences during two 12-hour work days. The truly super part of that was that she got to be off last Friday and stay home with me. That made the fact that I decided we should have a super rendevous at 4:30 AM kindof alright (because Mommy could go back to her super bed after I decided to do so). Here's a picture of super-tired me during the 4:30 AM rendevous...Mommy had to make me a super bottle because a fresh diaper and lullabyes were not doing the trick, so she plopped me on the kitchen floor with some super kitchen tools.

Now here I am a little later in the day after I'd gotten the adequate amount of sleep. I look much better when well rested, I must say. In this picture I was pulling the super great trick of opening my dresser drawer all by myself and rummaging around in it. Mommy was not super impressed.

Ah yes, the super sippy cup. I still haven't really figured out what to do with it besides thrash it around and make messes.
Grandma Trish came to town and she brought me Valentine cookies!!! You guessed it, they were super!
Grandma Trish, Grandpa Steve, Mommy, Daddy and I went over to Greatgrandpa Larry's house for dinner. My cousin Haley was there. We had some super times exploring the house.

Grandpa had this super thingamajigger on his shirt. I guess it's called a zipper. Whatever, I just liked pulling it down. Then Grandpa would pull it up so I could pull it down again. And again. And again. You get the picture...
It was super funny to talk to Granpa upside down.
On Saturday G'ma, G'pa, Mom and Dad drove to Rochester for a wedding. I stayed in South St. Paul and Grandma Jan and Grandpa Bob's house. On Sunday our house was a whirlwind of activity with my parents busily preparing for a Super Bowl Party so I decided I could help out by unpacking my suitcase. Unfortunately I couldn't get much further than pushing the handle down.
My cousins came over for the Super Bowl Party. We hung out in the basement and I got to have wagon rides. We were a bit limited by the fact that there wasn't room to turn around but we had super lots of laughs anyways.
My mom was super excited when she found divided plates for babies that weren't covered in some kind of licensed cartoon characters. (Mommy is a little crazy and refuses to purchase baby items with licensed characters unless she absolutely has to. Apparently they annoy her....?) So anyways, she found these solid colored plates, which also happened to be super cheap, and brought them home. She loaded one up with cubes of cheese and green beans, and here's what happened...
Note that the plate is missing from the final photograph in the sequence. She dumped all of the food off and tossed the plate to the side while mumbling something about "maybe next month..." I didn't really see what the problem was. Was my behavior inappropriate? Come to think of it, I guess I've never seen anybody else pick up their plate and try to pour the food in their mouths. Well there's always next month I guess.
That was our super busy week. I hope everyone out there has been having super weeks as well. Love and hugs and all that to my adoring fans.
1 comment:
Hi sweet baby Taylor - Boy, you sure did have a busy week. I am so glad you got to stay over night with us and go to Megan's hockey game. You sure had a good time and were such a good baby. But I have to agree with mommy on something - the 4:30 a.m. wake time is a bit early - but you were so darned cute we just had to have some giggles. I love you very much! XXXXOOOXXXXXXOOOOOXXOOOXXXXOOOOXXXXGrandma Jan
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