This week I got to drive a race car!! Usually Jimmy Johnson drives it, but on Monday he must have taken the bus home from Lowe's because his car was just sitting there. Mommy and Daddy loaded me up and I made the obligatory car noises while I drove the car around so the 'rents could look at appliances. We're looking to get a new stove, refrigerator and dryer, y'see.

On Saturday I went on a road trip with Mom and Aunt Jenni. We drove down to Grandpa Mousey's house. (He's my Grandma Jan's dad.) It was his birthday weekend and we went down to help him plant flowers and vegetables. Here I am goofin' off in the car wearing Aunt Jen's sunglasses.
Mom and Aunt Jen went home last night, but I got to stay the night with Grandma Jan and Grandpa Bob. I had so much fun exploring!! I mastered the art of getting into Grandpa's golf cart. I did not, however, master the art of getting out. When I need to get out, I just fall. I'm quite resilient, so it works.
I would have loved to drive but my legs aren't long enough. When my legs get longer, maybe my cousin Nate can teach me how to drive it. I hear he's real good at it.
You can even get food when you're in the golf cart! You just put in your order and the carhops bring your food. Just like A&W and Sonic!
I made a new friend at Grandpa's. His name is Heath and his Grandma and Grandpa live down the road. I hear they have horseys there so I'm thinking when Nate teaches me how to drive the golf cart I'll see if we can drive down there.
Grandpa and I had so much fun!!!!
Here is a pictures of Grandpa's house, garage, and vegetable garden. Can you believe an 86-year-old man tends that garden all summer?!? He really really really loves it and since he could never eat all those vegetables himself, he shares them with all his friends and family. What a nice guy!
This morning Grandpy and I had some cuddle and play time before I had to go home. He wanted to keep me there but I told him about the poopy diapers I have sometimes and he decided he'd just wait to see me during our next visit.
I had a surprise waiting for me when I got home today. Daddy and Uncle John planted my swing in the backyard! It was so nice of them to do that for me! Daddy was so excited to take me out to swing!
One problem-I screamed my head off when he put me in it!! Mommy and Daddy have no idea why I don't like it. They're going to do some asking around at daycare and see if I had some kind of traumatic swing experience.
Mom and Dad did lots of gardening today. I tried to help them out but was told that crawling in the garden isn't appropriate.
I had my afternoon nap and when I woke up Mom and Dad were still gardening! I got to have my afternoon snack out on the patio. And it was a good snack! See, Mom and Dad went to Uncle Cooney's birthday party last night and Uncle Cooney sent me a birthday cupcake of my very own. I loved it!
My bench got replanted today. It's in the rocks now. Doesn't it look nice here?
It works out real well for me.
I'll leave you with some pictures of the pretty flowers we planted today. I can't wait until the sun and rain make all the flowers grow so big and pretty.

Thanks for stopping by for another blogtastic journey. I'm off to nurse my sore muscles. All that gardening sure reeks havoc on a body!