Another week of fun-filled baby experiences to report on. This week Daddy had to do some traveling so I had some extra time with Grandma Jan and Grandpa Bob. They brought me some new coloring crayons. I have to be sure Ms. Adrienne doesn't find out about these though. She says they're not good for a baby's grip. Mom told me I can use them as long as we also make sure to practice grips using regular crayons too. We don't want me going off to school with a fisted grasp! But the good news for Ms. Adrienne would be that so far, I've only shown minimal interest in the Crayola Tadoodles.

Since Dad was out of town, I thought it only appropriate that I start helping out around the house. Wednesday morning I thought I'd start that off by driving myself to daycare. I grabbed some car keys and the phone...

...and made some calls to let the other kids know I had a car today and I could pick them up and drive them to daycare. Wouldn't that be so helpful of me? Then all the moms and dads could get to their cars without risking life and limb trying to carry a baby along with purses, briefcases, coffee and all the other junk adults insist on bringing to work with them. But Mom didn't think I was ready for this type of independence so she drove me to daycare as usual.

Wednesday night we went over to Aunt Jenni's house for dinner. Grandma Jan and Grandpa Bob brought Jimmy John's. I've heard rave reviews about these sandwiches and I was really excited that I was going to enjoy my first that night. But things didn't go so great. The bread was a little too soft and doughy for a baby like me with limited teeth and I got to choking so bad I blew chunks all over the highchair tray. Nate freaked out! Poor guy, I didn't mean to scare him, I was just having a little trouble with the bread. Needless to say, the untainted remaining portion of the sandwich was packed up and Mom had it for lunch the next day. I had some wheat bread and other baby-friendly foods.
After dinner Nate and I took the grandparents and Mom outside to play. Nate and Grandma showed me how to play soccer. It was great fun! Nate is really good at soccer! I got a little bit mischievous and stole the cones that were being used for goal posts. Got a good laugh out of people.

After soccer we decided to explore the playground. Wow! This thing is magnificent! From the top I can see a whole other part of the world that I never knew existed. Nate and I had lots of fun going down the slide.

Daddy came home on Thursday. Grandma Jan and Grandpa Bob had gotten me a new car and Dad and I took it out for a test drive.

I've gotten to be very curious and want people to tell me names for everything I see. Here I am doing the point and asking "This?" That's what I do when I need to learn a word for something.

This week I found out that I REALLY like to play in laundry baskets. Makes for great Friday night entertainment. Check out this video of me crawling into one full of clean towels.
Sunday was Mother's Day. I'm not sure if I did all the things a kid is supposed to do on that day, but Mom seemed as happy with me as she always is and hugged me and kissed me and chewed on my ears even more than usual, so I guess I did good. Mom and Grandma took me and Nate to the park by my house. I've never been there before. It was great fun and I can't wait to go back. But I hope next time my mommy doesn't fall down. I told her she shouldn't wear those
Crocs to the park. Now she's got two banged-up knees and a twisted ankle. When will she learn?

Nate and I did some more sliding at the park. We're getting really good at it. Here we are riding a tandem slide while holding hands. A very refined move for a baby like me.
I hope you enjoyed this week's post. Next weekend I get to go to Grandpa Mousey's house. He's my Grandma Jan's dad. His birthday is coming up and a bunch of us are going down there to help him plant flowers and have lunch. I can't wait! I haven't been down there since I learned to walk and I have a feeling there's a lot more to that place just waiting to be discovered by me!
Toodles til then!
Tater Bugger
1 comment:
Hi Taylor -
What a fun week you had - you sure are good at sliding. I bet you will have tons of fun with Megan and Nate this summer going to all sorts of parks.
I love you very much - I can't wait for you to see Grandpa Mousey - he is so excited to see you walk. And mommy is right - there is lots of stuff to explore at his place.
I love you.
Grandma Jan
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