I also love to play in my tent. I think it's great when Mom and Dad both go in the tent with me. Mom and Dad think it's a special time-but only for a very short time. The air quality isn't so good with that much human inside a small tent. Here's me being camera-shy by my tent.
I've got this new thing I do at dinner-I pull Mommy's plate towards me and eat her food. Never mind that I have the same exact foods on my plate. I like hers better! Here I am having at a bone-in chicken breast that I procured off said parental unit's plate. Numnum!
I'm also a huge fan of apples. So much so that it's also my favorite word. And the word is such a favorite that I use it to label all things food. So a side note to any future babysitters out there-should you hear me utter the word "apple" (sounds like "appo"), don't assume I want an apple. Keep your mind open to other possibilities.
Our daycare went on a field trip to Applewood Apple Orchard last week. I got to pick my very own apples. The apples were the perfect size for my little hands. Mom and Dad were surprised when I grabbed an apple and started munching away. They kept a careful eye on me until I was done to make sure I didn't choke.
This weekend Mom and Dad finally took me to the Children's Museum. Grandma Jan and Grandpa Bob bought us a family membership for my birthday back in April and this weekend our crazy schedule finally allowed for the visit to happen. We were there for two hours and I had a great time! I think I could go back for another trip real soon so I could have even more time to see each and every exhibit. Check out all the pictures below...
Hanging up laundry with Mom.
Making a gear train with Dad.
Playing in the water exhibits-I really loved this one where you get to put a boat at the top of a ramp, then open the gate to watch it zoom down the river.
(Just taking a break and looking adorable doing so.)
Time to dry my hands off.
GOLF! They even had golf for me and my daddy!
There was a round room with nets all the way up to the ceiling where you could throw balls all over the place. I thought it was really funny when Dad threw one right at Mom's head.
I found a neat round window with a great view of downtown St. Paul.
This ramp was killer on the quads!
All in all life is good. Well, truth be told, I've not been a fan of getting dropped at daycare since I came back from Omaha. But that's just something we're all hoping I'll get over very soon.
Peace out my peeps!
1 comment:
Dear Tater Bug -
I just LOVE to read your blog and see your pictures. And I LOVE you even more! Keep up the good work.
Grandma Jan
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