Daddy is a traveling man this weekend, so Mom and I spent lots of time with Papa Bob and Grandma Jan. When we left the house yesterday morning, I made sure I was well prepared for a day out and about, with my backpack and my purse.
Good thing I was prepared because Mom and Grandma drug me all over the metro area. We went to a consignment sale in Eagan where Mom bought oodles of clothes for my baby brother. I guess she's facing the reality that the little guy is going to be here before we know it and most of the clothes I wore would not be of the appropriate coloring for him. Grandma rode herd on me while Mom shopped and she said it made her very tired. Then we hit some garage sales, but came up empty. Next it was on to Target for some random Target-type stuff. After that I finally got a break from my car seat and hand-holding and cart-riding foolery when we went to Grandma and Papa's to play and have lunch. I had a nap there and when I woke up, it was out again to the fabric store for some projects Mom and Grandma have in the works. I had lots and lots and lots of fun running all over the store. Grandma said it made her tired. Again. Then it was back to Grandma and Papa's house for supper. I was tired from my busy day and had to go home to sleep it off right after dinner.
Today was another busy day with lots of grandparent time. We met Grandma and Papa at church, but Mom swiftly swept me off to the nursery. Last time she took me there I was all for it, but this time I pitched a bit of a fit. One of the nice nursery ladies held me and cuddled me when Mom left and I decided it was an alright thing. The nursery is cool because I can talk and giggle in there and nobody shushes me like they do in the sanctuary. After church we had lunch then I took a really good, long nap. After nap time we had to go to another fabric store since Mom and Grandma didn't find what they needed yesterday. This time they brought Papa along to ride herd on me. I heard them giggling while they watched Grandpa chase me around and put things (mainly candy) back on the shelves.
After shopping we went out to eat at my favorite restaurant-Red Lobster!!! Being the seafood aficionado that I am, I shard shrimp with Mommy. I also gobbled down the Lobster Fondue appetizer and even ate some broccoli. Yummy!
Grandma and I played outside a bit before it was time to go home. We found this neat pond by the restaurant with a little boat floating in it. That's us pointing to the boat for Mommy:
When we got home, somehow I was still hungry, so Mom got me some apples and milk. I spilled milk on my shirt and decided I should have a bib. For quality control purposes, I tried out one of the bibs that goes with an outfit Mom got for the baby. It worked quite well, but may be a bit small for me.
In other news not caught on camera, I did a great job potty training today. I used the toilet five times today! Four times at home and even one time at the restaurant. Mom let me wear a PullUp to dinner because I'm such a big girl. We're not sure what the next step is or even if there is a next step...perhaps today was a fluke...I guess we'll see what tomorrow brings.
Taylor "Big Girl" Oster
1 comment:
Taylor's a big sister! Congratulations!
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