Here is one of the pictures Mom shot with the new camera. What she wanted to capture in this picture is my lovely ensemble. See, I had a potty accident while Mom was in the shower (I tried to make it on the potty but just didn't get there in time) and she told me to take off the wet clothes and leave them on the bathroom floor, then go get myself clean panties, pants and socks. I did a great job and showed some fantastic self help skills. But matching? Nope, that didn't happen. (Snowflakes on my sleeves, striped pants and crazy socks with animal heads on them.)
In preparation for vacation, Mom had me try on summer clothes from last summer to see if anything still fit me. The good news is that Mom found a couple outfits and a couple dresses that still fit me. Nice! She also found me some divatastic sunglasses.

Tonight Mom and I made homemade pizzas for dinner. (Dad was off watching the state high school hockey tournament.) Mom wanted to make sure we could tell our pizzas apart so we made a "T" out of pepperoni on my pizza. It turns out that wasn't necessary as I decided to put sugar snap peas on top of my pizza after Mom snapped this picture. (Yes, that's gross. And I voiced that opinion when Mom pulled the pizzas from the oven. Mom dropped a big ol' "I tried to tell you that!" at that point.)

Dad was away a lot this week. A LOT. Monday night he was in Wisconsin. Tuesday night he had a business dinner (and those ALWAYS go late). Wednesday he was in St. Louis and Thursday he was at the hockey tournament. Grandma Jan and Papa Bob helped us out by bringing over dinner on Tuesday night and staying home with Leighton when I had dance class on Wednesday. For a special treat on Tuesday, we had ICE CREAM CONES. Yum yum! Leighton even got to get in on the action.

The next couple pictures are juts some random shots that Mom got of Leighton one day when the light was really good in the living room. (Which is really rare as it usually feels like a cave in there.)
Mom likes to torture us by doing things like putting hats that are QUITE OBVIOUSLY too large for us on our heads. Earlier today she stuck her hat on my head. (Thank goodness she didn't run off for her camera for that one.) Leighton was her next victim when Mom found Dad's hat on the kitchen floor. (Yes, hat on the kitchen floor. And no, that is not where it belongs, but who am I to judge, right?) She got a pretty cute picture of that one...
Tonight Mom and I made homemade pizzas for dinner. (Dad was off watching the state high school hockey tournament.) Mom wanted to make sure we could tell our pizzas apart so we made a "T" out of pepperoni on my pizza. It turns out that wasn't necessary as I decided to put sugar snap peas on top of my pizza after Mom snapped this picture. (Yes, that's gross. And I voiced that opinion when Mom pulled the pizzas from the oven. Mom dropped a big ol' "I tried to tell you that!" at that point.)
Dad was away a lot this week. A LOT. Monday night he was in Wisconsin. Tuesday night he had a business dinner (and those ALWAYS go late). Wednesday he was in St. Louis and Thursday he was at the hockey tournament. Grandma Jan and Papa Bob helped us out by bringing over dinner on Tuesday night and staying home with Leighton when I had dance class on Wednesday. For a special treat on Tuesday, we had ICE CREAM CONES. Yum yum! Leighton even got to get in on the action.
The next couple pictures are juts some random shots that Mom got of Leighton one day when the light was really good in the living room. (Which is really rare as it usually feels like a cave in there.)
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