It's here, it's here, it's really here! What's that? What's here? Why, SUMMER of course! And it's glorious! It's only been a week but we're having a blast already. We've been to the Children's Museum, to all three parks in our neighborhood (thanks Grandma Trish for going above and beyond and taking us to ALL THREE in one day while you were here), to the library, and to my beloved Splash Pool twice! Leighton and I are loving having our mom home with us and judging by the glow on Mom's face, she's loving it too. (And maybe that's a little sunburn too.)
The Splash pool is just as fun as it was
two years ago and
last year, but the difference this year is that I can touch in the "deep end" which is actually only three feet deep. Mom was really surprised that I could touch. And a bit sad that I'm getting that big. Moms are strange that way, ya know.

Leighton was at the splash pool plenty of times last year, but never actually got to go in the water. Most of the time, he was asleep in the stroller while Mom and I were swimming. He's pretty excited to be out of the stroller and in the water this season. The only time he spends in the stroller now is to take snack breaks, like this one:

We've finally got our egress window installed in the basement and Mom has it set up real nice for us to play and play and play. Over the summer, Mom will be real busy. See, if you've not heard yet, Mom is taking a leave of absence from her job as a speech/language pathologist for one year to stay home with us and open an in-home daycare. So there's lots of work to be done to make the basement into a daycare facility and Mom needs to go through the licensing process. Despite all this impending work, Mom is excited and ready to get at it.
One of the funnest activities Mom has done with us downstairs was Shaving Cream Play. She squirted shaving cream all over the table and we got to draw shapes and our names in it. It felt funny on our hands, but we loved it. The best part (and Mom's ultimate purpose for the activity) was that the shaving cream cleaned the table right up. Slick!
Well...that's all for now. Happy summer and don't forget your sunscreen!
Taylor (and Leighton)
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