Ah, summer. Full of fun times. And pretty flowers. Like these ones I found in my Greataunt Nancy's yard. She lives out in the country and there's oodles of pretty flowers in her yard. (And a HUGE garden with lots and lots vegetables and blueberries and herbs. It's amazing!)
We went to a barbeque at Greataunt Nancy and Greatuncle Gary's house a couple weekends ago. Mom said we went cuz Gary got a wild hair (whatever that means!) to smoke some food. He smoked ribs, boneless ribs, turkey and brisket. My favorite was the turkey.
Leighton and I had a great time running all over the yard, climbing all over the deck and exploring everything we could.
Leighton also enjoyed some new canine companionship. You know how that guy loves dogs. These ones are named Maggie and Blazer. Maggie is the little one and Blazer is the big one. It's pretty amazing how this kid takes to dogs. Makes a girl wish she could get one for her little brother, but Mom and Dad have made it pretty clear that's not happening at our house. Not anytime soon at least. For now Leighton will just have to settle for snuggling other people's dogs.
Summer also means the bike trailer has found it's way out of the garage. We had some real good times on it two summers ago, but last summer, what with Baby Leighton coming around and with that monitor thing and the cords and whatnot, well it just didn't happen. So anyways, Mom and I bumped our way around the garage the other day and collected the trailer, her bike and the tire pump. Dad helped us get everything set up and off we went. It was GLORIOUS! Mom wanted to ride for a long, long time but we had to get home for my bedtime. We're both looking forward to our next ride.
And Leighton in this:

Summer also means CAMP. That's right, I went to camp. It's called Grands Camp at the Presbyterian Clearwater Forest and I went there with my Grandma Jan, Papa Bob and my cousins, Meggie and Nate. We had a fantastic time. Unfortunately, I don't have digital documentation of camp, but Mom did take these cute pictures of me in the special braids she put in my hair for camp. In the first I'm totally faking a pouty look. (You may have been able to figure that out for yourself.) In the second I'm my usual cute self.
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