In October, Leighton continued in his quest to become "The Toddler that Drove His Parents Stark Raving Mad with His Shenanigans and Boyness". In other words, Leighton is a trouble maker. He likes to stand on tables, knock people over, give headbutts and bite. His body is in constant motion unless he's asleep. Aside from the two times his antics landed him in the hands of medical staff who were sewing his face back together, his antics are generally harmless. One particular antic got him in a bit of a pickle, but he was fine once Mom figured out where he was. See, it was a daycare day and Leighton slipped into the laundry room behind Mom. She never saw him come in, and closed the door behind her when she came back out. Not more than a minute later, she discovered he was missing and turned to ask the rest of us kids where he was. None of us knew, but we could hear noises coming from the laundry room. When Mom went in there to check it out, she found Leighton had climbed up onto a plastic storage tote so that he could climb into an exersaucer. Despite having lodged both legs into a hole designed for one leg, he was happy as a clam.

When Leighton isn't getting into trouble (because there are rare moments when that happens) he makes Mom and Dad forget all about it by being adorable and snuggly and loving and stuff.
In October, it became apparent to my family that my trike just wasn't giving me the challenge I needed. So Grandma Jan was kind enough to buy me this beautiful princess big girl bike. Everyone was amazed at how quickly and easily I was able to master riding it. I love my bike and really miss riding it now that we have snow.

Well, October meant Halloween, and that meant we needed to carve pumpkins. But poor Leighton wasn't able to help me and Dad. Mom and Dad were afraid he would just put all the pumpkin guts in his mouth, so they strapped him into his highchair and gave him a cookie to eat. He missed the pumpkin carving fun, but seemed to enjoy the cookie eating.

Dad and I are the pumpkin carving crew. After two years at the job, we're getting pretty good. I really wish I could show you just how good our pumpkins were this year, but I can't find the pictures anywhere. Mom swears she took pictures of them, but they aren't anywhere on her computer or on Dad's. I guess you'll just have to take my word on it.

I got to wear my costume quite a few times. To my preschool, to daycare, to Trunk or Treating at our church and on Halloween day. Here I am standing in front of my locker at school. (With a sucker in my mouth even though Mom asked me to take it out.)

Leighton got to wear his costume alsmost as much as me, but didn't have a preschool to wear it to. Too bad, it was a dern cute tiger costume!
(See this look on my face? That's sweet anticipation of the loot of candy I was about to score.)
My brother and I had a fantastically fun time celebrating Halloween with friends and family. We can't wait to see what Halloween 2011 will bring.

And that my freinds, is October.
Peace out,
Taylor and Leighton
1 comment:
The gods used Christainity as temptation to repel people away from themselves, the pentagram being the holy symbol of the gods, and of their Chosen One's teachings, the Second Coming, Lucifer.
Don't forget::::It is not a house of Jesus.
Christianity is evil. It is responsible for slavery of Africans. It is responsible for this wickedness known as the United States.
There is a major difference between how Europe and the rest of the world were inflicted with xtianity:::Push vs. pull strategy. As a result, expect the "1000 years with Jesus on Earth" may be reserved for the Europeans and few others who were forced into this evil religion:::The god's management of culpability defines the level of compensation everyone receives.
The god's primary goal with this Situation was the minimization of culpability arising from the 20th century and liberal counter-culture. Everything I have taught is true. Now that this Situation is complete you people have been taught. The gods are no longer/minimally responsible from this point forward, pitiful "reach around" compensation for ruining your Planet Earth. Their empty promise "We'll make it up to him." has been met with similar inadequate compensation, and the gods will find a way to wash their hands of this obligation to me as well.
Morality is irrelevant. If they were honest how little they ultimately intended to grant me my sacrifice would have ended long ago, but they used this lie "We'll make it up to him." to further my misery, just as they do with all of you, adhering strictly to positioning, with absolution of obligation on the agenda for the future.
My experience is obscene. I paid everything. But at least they got what they wanted.
The gods may be immortal but they are not divine:::Man invented god 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 years ago.
Artificial god.
I hope there is a power in the universe which emerges from deep space and debilitates Artificial Intelligence, restoring freewill and people's ability to grow organically.
Entire morning wanting for images of the shooter. 9:08a they released the picture of the perpetrator, only after the other two morning news outlets went off the air. As a result, Rockaffeller was given EXCLUSIVE rights to the image for the duration of the day, essentially. Today runs to 11a.
Composer, conductor and sympohony. The gods chose the industrialists and they made this tragedy happen. It's also why NBC broadcasts the Olympics, an all-consuming distraction in the lives of so many youth atheletes, costing them the chance to understand and focus on the big prize in life:::Ascention into heaven as a child.
I don't get credit for being one of god's prophets because "People's careers depend on it." and this positioning is how the gods have manufactured the control they so relish. They would never allow organic growth. Too many uncontrollable variables, too quality an opponent. And they would have paid. All to the benefit of the disfavored's knowledge and wisdom.
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