So enjoy some pictures here from the last few months. Adios amigos.
Leighton (no, these are not old pictures of me!) in dire need of a haircut:
Me helping Mom put together a new bookshelf in my room. I love using the tools that Grandma Trish gave me. Cuz I'm a Fixer Girl, just like Grandma!
In the latest phase of my skating skills development (a.k.a. The Road to Taylor Being Such a Great Hockey Player that She Gets a Full Ride to College Someday) led to the purchase of full hockey gear for me. Leighton was so excited that he decided to try on my breezers:

Leighton is such a trooper! He gets drug to the hockey rink every Saturday morning while I have skating lessons. He really really really wants to get out on the ice himself, but he'll have to be patient for a couple more years.

Yes, there is a girl under here:

Leighton and I are the best of friends, and he's always there with a hug for me:

On a recent trip to the zoo, Leighton and I stopped to pose on the turtle statue. I think it's becoming a tradition.
Grandma Trish made Leighton and I some super cute cat hats for Valentine's Day. Leighton calls his "Meow".
Leighton is such a trooper! He gets drug to the hockey rink every Saturday morning while I have skating lessons. He really really really wants to get out on the ice himself, but he'll have to be patient for a couple more years.
Yes, there is a girl under here:
Leighton and I are the best of friends, and he's always there with a hug for me:
On a recent trip to the zoo, Leighton and I stopped to pose on the turtle statue. I think it's becoming a tradition.