It took two plane rides to get me to California. One from the airport by my house to the airport in Dallas, Texas. I hear that's near my Uncle Neil and Aunt Katie but it wasn't close enough for use to see them during our layover. The next flight took us from Dallas to Palm Springs. Take off on the first flight was not so much fun. I was ready for a nap but couldn't figure out how to do it without my crib and my white noise. Eventually I fell asleep in the middle of eating a biter biscuit. It was all over my face so Mom and Dad had to clean me up while I was sleeping. That nap lasted only 30 minutes. I woke up when we were landing. Mom and Dad figured I would sleep during my second flight but I tricked them and stayed awake the whole time! We got lucky and had three seats to ourselves so Mom and Dad buckled me in between them. I sat there all by myself looking at a book for a whole three minutes!
When we landed in Palm Springs, Grandma Trish and Grandpa Steve were there to greet us. Grandma freed me from the stroller and I walked her all over the airport. She couldn't believe how much my walking has improved just since last weekend.

What I do like is hanging out in my highchair on the patio watching Grandpa work the grill. Mommy thought I should wear these super sweet shades to keep the sun out of my eyes.
Today is Easter and we celebrated the resurrection of Jesus Christ. I heard the story at church today and it was great. Especially the way the priest told it. He was a funny guy! God's beauty was all around us today-check it out!
I got myself all dressed up (with a little help from Grandma and Mommy) to go to church. I brought my phone with just in case anyone needed to get in touch with me. I left it in the car during mass of course.

After church we came home and I took a nap while Daddy and Grandpa played nine holes and Mom and Grandma read books in the sun. After my nap I got all ready to go to the pool. Head to toe, ready to go!
It was a bit scary but Grandma did a great job easing me into the pool.
After I got comfortable she put me in my new boat. I wasn't sure at first, but once I realized it was a rescue boat, I realized it had to be safe. I had a great time just floating all over the pool. I almost fell asleep in there!
After some deliberation, Grandma and I decided it was time to go big. She got me out of the boat and we went under. Whoa. I cried a little but really, it wasn't so bad.

After Nap #2 it was time for Grass Practice #4. (No pictures were taken of Grass Practice #3. That one was all Grandma and Mom's doing while Dad and Grandpa were gone. I actually never made it to the grass that time but I did give it serious thought.) During #4, the tactic was to entertain me with bubbles in order to coerce me into going on the grass. Let me tell you how well that worked...
Now I'm scared of grass AND bubbles. Way to go people!
After a much-needed bath, Grandpa took me for a walk on the 3rd of hole of Vista (one of the three courses here at DP). I think he thought he could get me to walk on a green because it's a different kind of grass, but I locked my body tight around him and didn't let got for nothing. So instead of walking, we peeled some bark off a palm tree. ( it called bark? Or is bark just the stuff that covers the tree trunks back home? I'll have to research that.)
As you can see, I'm having a great time out here. I hope everyone back home had a great Easter holiday. I will try to post again later this week.
Taylor "Shades" Oster
Dear Taylor -
Megan and Nate are at Grandma's house today and we loved looking at your blog! They want to tell you that GRASS is really cool - don't be afraid of it because it is super fun to play soccer in the grass! Nate likes to play baseball on the grass. It looks like you are having lots of fun - the pool must be just a blast! We love you very much! XXOXOXOXOXOOOXXXXOOOOXX
Grandma, Megan and Nate
Hi Taylor -
I forgot before that Aunt Marolyn wanted me to tell you what great luck she had going back to Dallas on the airplane last night. When she checked in, the nice man told her that her seat had been upgraded. She got to sit in FIRST CLASS which means lots more room and free food! I hope you can get that perk on the way back from California! I love you.
Grandma Jan
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