Sunday, April 12, 2009

Checking In

Geez, here I am, back again with apologies. Our house has been turned upside down, that's my excuse. Do you buy it? Well, here's the real story...

Back in March, Mom and Dad ordered me a big girl bed. The people at HOM said it wouldn't be here until late April. Mom and Dad were really bummed that it would be that long, but figured they'd make it work. (They had originally wanted me to start sleeping in a big girl bed about the time of my birthday-April 17.) Well, lo and behold, Mom got a phone call on March 30th saying the bed was at the warehouse ready to be picked up. Mom and Dad flew into panic mode. They had to move everything from my nursery into the guest room/office and everything from the guest room/office into my nursery. Now anyone that's been to my house before knows that these rooms are different sizes. In fact, the nursery is only about half the size of the guest room/office. You can imagine what this meant for furniture arrangement. Not to mention all of mom's wardrobe (non-maternity and maternity) was in the guest room/office closet and a dressers. All of those clothes needed to fit into her and dad's bedroom. But all the space for clothes in that room was taken up by dad's wardrobe.

People, I could go on and on explaining the logistics, but I think you get it. Mom and Dad have been super busy and we had no internet for about a week until Comcast could come out to get it hooked up in the new guest room/office. We're finally online again, and I'm able to bring you news from the home front...

Um...but not a lot of news because it's getting a little late and it's the end of Easter/Daddy's Birthday weekend and everyone's a little wiped out and coming down from candy-induced sugar highs. So I'd like to redirect you to flickr where you'll find some pictures from my vacation. This week I'll work on bringing you pictures of my new big girl bed (in which I have been sleeping fantastically for a week and a half now-much to my parents surprise and elation), Spring, Daddy's birthday, and Easter.


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