I forgot to add this picture last night when I did my blogging. So I was just minding my own business playing with my toys yesterday (Mommy pulled the tub out to the middle of the room so I could get to all sides of it), when suddenly I was sucked inside the tub. Well, as Dad tells the story, it wasn't all that sudden. I hovered for a bit with my arms submerged in the toys and my legs flailing about in the air, pleading for help, but he was too busy looking for the camera to help me. By the time he found the camera I was fully immersed in the tub. Thank goodness he decided to pull me out after he took a couple pictures.

Peace out.
Taylor McKenna
Taylor - I am so thankful that you are okay - that being sucked into the toy tub could have been very serious! I love you very much. :-)
Grandma Jan
Tell me about it Grandma Jan. I was very scared but I tried to be a big girl about it. I just hope it never happens again. Or if it does, maybe next time Daddy can just pull me out instead of taking pictures. Sheesh.
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