And this super cool cabinet in the kitchen. It's got a drawer that pulls out and oodles of water bottles.
Then there's the bags of recycling. Who doesn't want to rummage around in that?
AND there's the baby in the oven door that looks just like me. We like to slobber on each other's faces.
There's just so much that I need to check out in my house. It's for the good of the family. I have to make sure we're all safe and that I know where things are in case Mom and Dad need me to help them find things. Like a pie plate. Cuz my mom, she bakes a lot of pies you know! (That was totally a joke! My mom's never baked a pie in her life but she did inherit a really pretty pie plate from her Grandma Fern. I like to pull it out of the cupboard and yep, you guessed it, suck on it.)
In other news at our house this week, we got a new chair. Grandma Jan and Grandpa Bob decided they didn't like their furniture and got themselves some new Lazy Boyz. (I wonder if they're related to my friend Lazy Susan that lives in my kitchen...? Ah, but I digress...) So they were nice enough to give us their leather recliner. It's become Daddy's new favorite thing in the house. The other night he read me books and snuggled with me under a blanket.
Love at first sight...
BANANA! Real banana, right out of the peel. Not mashed up and put in a jar. I love it! Thanks Mom!!
This is me in my new bath towel from Mommy's coworker, Ms. Cindy. Am I supercute or what?!?! And what a genius idea, because those ones that the people in the factories make for babies are totally not absorbant enough for me. Thanks Ms. Cindy!
Well folks, I guess that about does it for this post. Mommy has to go back to work tomorrow and I'm heading back to daycare to see how my friends have been doing since I've been away. I hope the place has been alright without me.
Peace out!
Taylor, you always make me laugh - thank you for a great start to the week. I love you to the moon and back twenty seven trillion times!
dear taylor-
i just saw your blog today and you are such a beeeeautiful little punkin! i've never actually met you before, but your mommy and i are members of the same posse from grad school...trust me, some day you'll understand. i'm getting really excited to see your mommy in a couple of weeks when the posse gets together again after a much too long hiatus! she's really fun to be around, but i'm sure you're well aware of that! i hope 2008 brings you many wonderful things-like cheetos and other solid foods! XOXO amanda
Dear Taylor - I am excited that the reindeer is your favorite stuffed animal. I love you! Meggie oxxoxoxoxoxoxoxxxoxoxox
Dear Amanda-Mommy tells me you're pretty fun to be around as well and she's OH SO excited to see you and the other folks from this posse of yours. WOOHOO! I'll be home napping with Daddy that day but hopefully I'll get to come on the next hiatus and meet all of you fun peeps.
The best part of my day is looking at your blog. You are growing up way too fast, can't wait to see you again. Love you so much and miss you. Grandma Trish
My grandmas are fantastic, aren't they? They love me so much! And so does my cousin Meggie. In fact, I think everyone that's ever encountered me loves me. What can I say, I'm a lovable kinda baby! Tooker
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