On Friday Daddy stayed home with me and took me to Mommy's school to visit. I haven't been there for a visit since I was a little teeny tiny baby. Daddy ate lunch with Mommy and her work friends while I ate/explored the classroom. Right before I had to leave, Mommy's afternoon class came to school. Get this! It's ALL boys, NO girls! I thought they needed a little bit of chick in the mix so I joined them at circle time. Good thing I go to daycare and know how to do this type of thing...
While I was cooped up in the house, I decided to do an impression of Mommy so I put on her Crocs (all by myself!) and grabbed a bottle of her favorite stuff, Diet Mountain Dew. (Don't worry, I didn't drink any of it.)
After the snow melted Saturday, we all went back up to Great Aunt Deb and Great Uncle John's house for cousin Derek's confirmation party. Great Grandpa Larry let me drink some of his iced tea. I really wanted to get in there and get the lemon out but I didn't have any luck.
I got to play with my cousins Lindsey and Haley. Mom tried to get a good picture of us three pretty girls but I was having a little trouble sitting still and it didn't happen. I wonder if it was the iced tea...
Taylor's List of Smarts...
1. I can put two words together! I say "Hi Dad!" when Daddy comes home from work.
2. I run away from Mom and Dad when they need to change my diaper.
3. I run away from Mom when I have her hairbrush and she wants it.
4. I know how to turn the burners on the stove up and down. (But the knobs mysteriously disappeared after I did this the first time)
5. I bring things to Mom and Dad when they ask me to.
6. I sit down in the bathtub when Mom says "Please sit down".
7. I crouch in front of the smaller babies at ECFE and talk to them.
8. I brush my hair with a hairbrush. And a toothbrush.
9. I know how to put on shoes as long as their at least seven sizes too big for me.
10. I almost know how to use a fork and spoon.
Well everybody I better go get some rest so I can keep getting smart.
Love and hugs!
Dear Taylor-
I love your new tricks and how fun that you are learning new words! But most of all, I LOVE YOU!
Grandma Jan
Tater-bug -
You are such a smart little girl and growing so fast!! I'm so proud of how nicely you sat at circle time at mommy's school.
Can't wait to see you again!
Auntie Jen
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