On the night of my birthday, Mom and Dad took me out to DiGidio's. It's an Italian restaurant on West 7th Street in St. Paul. But see, we got there, and Mom started pulling food for me out of the lunch bag. Really? You're going to take me out to dinner on my birthday and make me eat the same old same old? Well, I showed them. When Dad wasn't looking I reached over and grabbed his garlic toast. Cha-ching! That stuff was grubbin.
Friday night we went out to dinner with The Behnken Clan for Dad's birthday. But the lighting was bad and Mom didn't get any pictures for me to post. I will tell you the funniest part of the night was when I was all done with my green beans and dumped the rest in Mom's lap. Funny stuff people, funny stuff.
Saturday we went to have family pictures taken. Being the photogenic family that we are, I'm sure they'll turn out great.
After pictures, we went over to Great Uncle John and Great Aunt Deb's house. Dad bought his cousin Derek's old amp to go with his new guitar. Oh yeah, that. By the way, my dad has a guitar now! You may remember me mentioning that Mom was going to get it for him for his birthday. Well he did and it's a really pretty, shiny red electric guitar. With Daddy and Great Uncle Lars on guitars and me on percussion with my Bee Bop Band, we plan to take our show on the road.
It was a great visit, anyways, and I had lots of fun playing with Great Aunt Deb.
Oh my oh my oh my. Why do I do these things to myself?!?! Mom made me macaroni and cheese for dinner last night. I also scored some black beans. I was really into my dinner, let me tell you. Thank goodness it was bath night!
Here's the problems. 1. I like to comb my hair with my fork. 2. I like to dump the bowl upside down when I'm satiated with each food. It's messy, what else can I say? Also, no more formula! I used up the last of that last night and it's all cow for me from here on out. It's going alright I guess. But I don't so much like drinking cold milk. Must be 'cuz I've had warm milk all my life. Mommy tried to give me a cold bottle before bed tonight. I talked her into warming it up for me. That went much better.
Oh geez, there's another story I've got to tell you. I've been coughing and wheezing for a few days now so Mom and Dad and I took our first trip to Urgent Care this morning. The doctor said I was REALLY congested and prescribed some medicine to try to help my with my breathing. Mom and Dad think it's kinda working. Hopefully I'll get better soon. Mom says it makes her chest hurt to hear me breathing like this.
LOOK AT ME! I'm front-facing! Mom tried to fight it since it's better for me to be rear-facing if we ever get in an accident. But my legs are getting so long it just had to happen. So here I am, like a big girl. I got to ride like this up to Grandma Jan and Grandpa Bob's house. It was cool to see the things coming instead of going.
Tonight I learned about softball. I think I'd like to try it out when I get a little older. (You might notice a cut by my right eye. That would be from when I tipped over in the folding lawn chair that Mom put me in when she probably shouldn't have because I really wasn't big enough for it. Oops.)
I even helped Grandma pitch to my cousins.
Well y'all, that's my story for the week. It's time I get to gettin' now. I'll catch ya on the flip side.
Peace out,
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