Blue-Eyed Girls, me and Aunt Katie. I bet my cousin that's hanging out in her belly will have beautiful blue eyes just like us.

{drumroll...} Here are the pictures of me and that glorious cupcake. I salivate to think of the delicacy. I can't wait until Thursday, my REAL birthday, when I get to bring cupcakes to daycare and do it all over again!!
Next us girls loaded up the car and headed over to Great Aunt Kris' house to have a baby shower for Aunt Katie. She got lots of presents to use on my new cousin that's coming in August. I'm so excited to meet her! I tried to talk to her this weekend...I sure hope she heard all the important things I was telling her. Mostly I was telling her about our supercool grandparents.
Aunt Katie got some great gifts at the shower. A lot of the stuff looked vaguely familiar to me.
Mom had Grandma Jan make a baby wrap for Katie. Mommy decided she should show Katie how to use it. It's been at least seven months since Mommy has put me in our baby wrap like this so she had a little trouble remembering what to do and didn't quite get it tight enough. Hopefully Aunt Katie has better luck when she uses it. Maybe Aunt Katie's sister can help her out. She's a mommy too and sometimes mommies just know these things.
Since I was too big for the demonstration, Jackson volunteered.
After that party the whole clan headed over to Great Aunt Sue and Great Uncle Lars' house for another shindig. I got to stay up late and audition for the band Daddy and Lars are starting when Daddy gets the guitar that Mommy is going to get him as a birthday present. I'm going to be the drummer because Mommy and Daddy got me the Parents Magazine Bee Bop Band.
Mom and I hung at home all day while Dad worked a trade show, Grandpa did church and visited the trade show (Dad and Grandpa both work in The Business) and Grandma and Grandpa went to an anniversary party for some friends of theirs.
Sunday night we went to dinner at McGovern's. I was there once when I was a wee baby. This is Grandma's favorite pictures from that night.

We came home after dinner and I got in a little bit more playtime before it was time for me to go to bed. I gave my Grandma and Grandpa goodbye loves and saw them off. I'll miss them lots and I can't wait until I get to see them again. We always have such a fun time.
Here are pictures of Daddy and I in the window waving bye-bye. I blew lots of kisses to Grandpa and Grandma to save up and take home with them.
Life is good people. Life is good.
Have a great week. I know I will-three days to my birthday!
Taylor McKenna
1 comment:
Dear Taylor -
Well, I had my own experience at your birthday party. I was made fun of for writing in your blog so fast and every single time you post. But I just want you to know that I don't care what other people say (actually, there were only two people that commented - I won't mention names but they are both males and their last name is Oster and your Uncle Neil is not one of them)! But I do love your posts and I especially liked the bonus post. Wherever did you get that cute bench? Have a great week - I love you! Grandma Jan
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