It's almost time!! Almost time for Mommy to spend the whole summer with me and not have to go to her work place. Megan and Nate are also spending the summer with us so that makes it extra super duper special. The countdown is on. Only four more daycare days! (But I will miss Mrs. Angela and Mr. Ray and all my peeps!)
Dad had a brilliant idea the other night when it was web cam time. He brought my booster into the office and gave me a snack. I sat still and happy the whole time we were talking to Grandma Trish and Grandpa Steve. That dad of mine is pure genius.

On Saturday Megan had a soccer tournament up in Forest Lake. Mom and I went with Grandma Jan and Grandpa Bob. I got to watch two soccer games and go out to breakfast. It was great fun! I was a really good spectator during the first game but wanted to be a player on the field during the second game. I kept Mommy busy hopping over people drag me off the field.
Here's Nate and I in deep discussion between games. He has much wisdom to share with a baby like me.
This is my friend Maddie. Well, she's really Meg's friend but I feel like I know her well enough to claim her as my own.
Here's my cousin Meg. Someday I'm going to be a jock just like her.

I have a new thing. I like to attack people. But maybe people should lay on their stomachs when I attack them. I'm not saying, I'm just saying.
I had a lot of fun climbing in and out of lawn chairs. It's a great upper body workout.

Grandma Jan and I shared lots and lots of kisses.

Tonight Mom made a new rule for herself. She's sick of all the time she misses with me when cooking dinner and cleaning up so the new rule is that she won't do dishes until after I'm in bed. I like the rule because it meant that we got to go outside and play after dinner. I got my pajamas on early on account of because I had a poopy diaper and Mom had me undressed so pajamas just made sense. Then we headed out. Mom wanted to go for a walk so she could get some exercise but I wasn't feeling the stroller. I just wanted to walk up and down the sidewalk picking up sticks. Mom missed out on the cardio opportunity, but we had fun anyways. We played in the backyard too. I checked out the weeds and assured Dad that they're still there. He says he'll get some Roundup tomorrow.
I went for a ride in the swing tonight. I love it! I'm not sure why I ever thought differently.
That's all I got this week people. I'm off now to plan my summer adventures. I'm thinking a little Splash Pool, maybe a little trip to Fort Snelling, then some berry picking, mix in a little beach time and maybe even Nickelodeon Adventure at Mall of America and, man oh man, we're going to have us a good ol' time! Bring on the fun Mr. Summertime!
Woop woop!
Tater Bugger
Tater-bugger -
Thanks for being the U9 Heat #1 fan in the swamp last weekend. I smile big smiles everytime I walk past your pictures in our house. We love you so much and are so glad you and your mommy are taking care of Meg & Nate this summer!
See you soon! Love -
Auntie Jenni
Auntie Jenni-Mom and I cleaned the swamp off my stroller last night with the garden hose. That was fun. And Mom's capris came clean-she was happy about that. Despite the swamp-like conditions, Mom and I think we should all move to Forest Lake. You in?
My house is getting ready for Nate and Meg. Mom is busy rounding up games and activities for the big kids. And she's researching lots of fun activities for all of us. I think I might get to take my first boat ride this summer! Woopedeedoo!
Love you!
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