Here's a good shot she got of me sitting by our garden. All this rain has really helped the flowers grow big and pretty. I like to help Mommy when she "deadheads". But since I take the live ones, I guess we could call it "picking flowers".
We caught a good video of m playing in the rain. Don't worry, Mommy took me in right when she stopped the camera, got me all dried off and into my pajamas and snuggled me until I was dry and toasty warm. Unfortunately, Blogger seems to be a little slow tonight and the video won't load. I'll see what I can do about that later in the week.
Sorry I don't have any weekend pictures to offer you. On Friday, Mom and Dad went to Omaha to go to Tim's surprise birthday party, thrown by his wife, Tara. (Tim and Tara are my boyfriend Morgan's parents.) I got to stay with Grandma Jan and Grandpa Bob. Daddy drew the short straw at work and had to be at a show on Sunday so it was a real quick trip and Mommy and Daddy were back by Saturday afternoon. That was alright though because Grandma Trish and Aunt Steph were in town for a baby shower for Cousin Sam. So we all got to go to dinner with Great grandpa Larry Saturday night at Lucky's 13 in Mendota. (Grilled cheese with three different cheeses?!?! Now they know how to feed a baby!) The unfortunate part of all this is that nobody seemed to take any pictures of me to post on my blog. You'll have to use your imaginations.
Grandpa Steve sent a book home with Mommy this weekend and I did a little preview of it this morning. I sat in Mommy's lap so she could read to me, which Mommy thought was really fantastic and a good sign that maybe I'll start liking stories but this one didn't trip my trigger. One sentence into it and I was off to explore again. Better luck next time Mom.
Here's a picture of me back in January eating a rubber duck. Some things never change...
Here I am at it again today!
Well that's all I got today. Hope you enjoyed the update and I really hope you're enjoying summer.
Love and hugs!
1 comment:
Hi Taylor-
I just got back from Grandpa Mousey's house and was going to stop and see the three most beautiful grandchildren in the world but decided I should get to work. So I looked at your blog and got to see pictures of all of you. I will have to get mommy the pictures of you and your new monkey, George. I love you very much.
Grandma Jan
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