Thank you for your patience. I have returned from my journey and after long meetings and consultations with the fine people at Blogger, I am able to produce a fine post for you. Now Blogger is not perfect mind you. Picture uploading is slow-going but possible none the less.
Now, on to our updates...
I made a discovery last week. It's called The Front Window. Typically there are blinds pulled to cover the window. But last week when Grandma and Grandpa were leaving my house, Mom pulled them up so I could watch outside. How cool! Then Daddy appeared with a shovel and I watched in awe as he flung snow to and frow. Mom tried to get me back down the floor a couple times but I was not having it. I stayed up there until my little legs couldn't hold me up on the squishy chair any longer.
For those of you not aware, I will be taking my first plane ride in just 10 days. In preparation, I crawled into my closet to make sure my suitcase was there and ready to go. Then I realized that I actually get to use my suitcase twice in the next couple weeks. See, Daddy and I are going on a Road Trip. We're going to Omaha to see the family. Daddy is going to go to the Bruce Springsteen concert down there and Mommy was supposed to go to but has to be in meetings on Friday and she can't get out of them and she won't be done until 3:00 and by then it's not enough time to get to the concert Friday night. Daddy was going to fly solo but I really miss my Aunt Steph and Uncle Klayton cuz I haven't seen them since Christmas, and I could use some Grandma Trish and Grandpa Steve lovin' too so I talked Dad into stowing me away in his car. We're both a little skeptical about traveling sans Mom, but we figure we'll make it work. Daddy has never had to take me into a public bathroom except to change my diaper. Could get interesting when he has to use the facilities himself and figure out what to do with me. Wish us luck!

Last Friday daycare was closed so I got to spend the day with Grandma Jan and Grandpa Bob. And BONUS, Megan didn't have school that day so she got to hang out with us too. She let me play with an old toy of hers, The Sit and Spin. Tough concept...

We went to downtown St. Paul to meet Aunt Jenni for lunch at Macy's. Meg and I played a little game of Hide-n-Seek in the store. Hehe.

Then we had a lovely lunch in the fancy resturant. Popovers rock!

On Saturday we went to Megan's last hockey game of the year. I had fun exploring the arena. We decided since I'm a baby and I can't do a whole lot of damage, "Stay off plexiglass" doesn't apply to me.


Today I am a sickly child. I'm having a little trouble controlling my bowels, as Mommy put it. The worst part isn't even the poopies, it's the CRAZY diaper rash I've got going on as a result. Mommy stayed home with me today and Grandma Jan brought me some Pedialite and oatmeal bath treatment. Hopefully I'll be on the mend soon.
Love and hugs to all my peeps!!
The Poopie One
1 comment:
Baby Taylor -
I am so sorry you are sick but am glad I got to see you today for a couple of quick visits. I hope you are better soon so you can have lots of fun in Omaha. I bet Grandma Trish and Grandpa Steve are already watching out the window for you! I love you to the mooon and back! Grandma Jan XXXOXOXOXOXOOOOXXXOOOOOXXXXOXOXOXO
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