Well my friends, I have bad news for you. Google is claiming to be having a "server error". Now as computer savvy as I am what with writing my own blog, I'm not sure exactly what this means. I do know that I could not write a full blog last night nor can I do it this morning. The good news is that Dad and Mom bought me some new walking kicks yesterday so I'm off to find those Google and Blogger people and help them solve the server error. Wish me luck and good journeys. Keep checking back to see if we've made progress...

Hi Taylor -
Maybe you and Quinn could figure this out together. He couldn't do his blog either. I will be anxiously waiting for your update -I LOVE your new shoes - oh, the places you can go now. I will buy you a purple crayon for your birthday (Mommy can explain that to you). I love you more than there are stars! Grandma Jan
Hi Taylor,
My mom and I miss you guys too! Tiny Tots is fun, but class just isn't the same without you and your mom. Now that you're all set with your new shoes we should go to the indoor park together! Our mommies better talk soon and figure it out.
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