I was doing my usual daily web surfing and came upon this cool idea...a word cloud. What is a word cloud, you ask? Well it's a cloud of words of course. More specifically, a diagram of sorts of all the words that are in my blog and their frequency of occurrence. All I had to do was type my URL into the website and 30 seconds later the nice people at Snapshirt made my word cloud. Check it out...

Now, how is that for a time waster? Well, I do suppose I should get back to my packing. In 36 hours I will be loading myself and my parents and all of our traveling gear onto an airplane destined for Dallas Forth Worth Airport. Ah yes, you're puzzled as you thought I was going to sunny Palm Springs, California. Not to fear, the drop down at DFW is only a pit stop on the way to PS. Well like I said, better get back to the packing. Peace out.
T-Mac Attack
1 comment:
Hi angel baby Taylor -
Right about now you should be landing in Dallas - I hope the flight was good and that your ears did not bother you. I like your Word Cloud - that is so cool. And I love you very, very, very, very much. XXXXXXXOOOOOXOXOXOXOXOXOXXXXOOOOXXX
Grandma Jan
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