Thursday, July 31, 2008
See ya next week.
auf Wiedersehen!
Taylor McKenna
Gardening, pigtails and naked fun.
I got myself all wet with my crazy watering methodology. That meant I got to get stripped down in the backyard and it was into the house for a bath.
After my bath I did one of my favorite things: ran around naked. Mom chased after me (quite literally, all over the living room on her knees) until she managed to get two pigtails in my hair. Mom and Dad thought it was really cute...
I didn't care for having things in my hair so I promptly pulled one out:
After Mom got the other one out and got my curls a-rocking, I decided to play some naked golf. Dad helped me with my putting. It's important to practice your short game y'know.
Since I was having so much fun being naked, I kept going. Next it was time to read a book and warm up for football season in my Husker hat. (Which, by the way, for those of you down in Huskerland, is getting a little tight on me. As is all the other Husker clothing I wore last season. *hint hint*)
Time to get some clothes and head to bed.
Teddy Bear Park
Look out Lance!
(But Mom and Dad forgot to take pictures last night so these are actually pictures from our second ride, tonight.)
Here's Mom getting me all situated. So that I'd be well entertained as well as well hydrated, she gave me a stuffed animal, a pacifier, my cell phone, a sippy cup of milk and a sippy cup of juice-water. It all worked pretty well and we were able to go for a 25-minute bike ride. Then Mom and Dad decided to quit while they were ahead. (Which means quit before I blew a gasket.)
Here I am, just moments before I might have blown a gasket if they'd kept going.
The helmet isn't my favorite thing but I understand it's a safety precaution we must take.
Happy trails!
Post-swimming-post-nap baby...
Day 1:
Day 2:
How far I've come!
Wow. I've come a long way in a year.
Last year I was doing this...
Now I'm doing this...
Take that!
The Big Shot
Monday, July 28, 2008
Family Re-Onion
The big people played lots of bean bag toss. They actually had a whole tournament with double elimination. I don't exactly what that means except that by some twist of fate, the team that Mom and Dad beat in their first game ended up the champions. Does that mean Mom and Dad are even better than the champs?!?!
Grandpa's friend Elaine came up from Evansdale to join the festivities. She's a very sweet lady and brought a gift for me. It's a beautiful flannel blanket. I've already used it at bedtime and it's deliciously comfortable! Thanks Elaine!
Nate and I had lots of fun running around playing with Uncle John. We played softball and ran around with squirt guns. What a great time!
It was an exhausting weekend but a superdeduper fun weekend as well. I'll be excited to do it again next year.
I'm off to rest now.
Tater Bug
Sunday, July 27, 2008
He Delivered!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Let's just move there.
Here I am on Day 1, already in my swimsuit and life jacket ready to take on the lake. After getting over the initial trepidation that is.
I got bored with everyone else so I wandered off to check out the neighbors' dock.
Here's Meggie giving me a ride on her and Nate's jet ski. It was kinda fun but kinda not.
Siren has BEAUTIFUL sunsets that we can see from the screened-in front porch.
Things got really interesting on Day 3 when the big jet ski came and Daddy gave me a ride. Whoa. That's a little much for a baby like me.
What I really liked was "The Islander". It was a huge floaty that had a mesh net in the bottom where I could splash around. Very fun stuff.
Vacation's not all fun and games. Sometimes you have to do work like walk Tati, Grandma and Grandpa's dog.
Sometimes when the other kids and adults get busy, I have to find fun by myself. I found a bat and some croquet balls in the garage. I made do entertaining myself.
Every day there was more fun to be had on the beach. We never got tired of digging.
Pause for a (partial) family picture.

Ah, the good life. Me and my mommy, relaxing on a tube. It's on dry land cuz it got too chilly on Saturday for me to go in the water.
I just wanted to throw this on in because face it, I look very pretty here.
I topped off my weekend with some whip cream. Yep, you're seeing that right-straight out of the can. Hehe!
My weekend in Siren, Wisconsin was great and there are more pictures to see at my flickr site.
I would like to send a shout out to Jim and Lois and thank them for letting our family use their cabin.
Till next time-
Taylor McKenna