It was another busy summer week at my house. Grandma Jan stopped by on Monday and us grand kids piled on her for some cuddle time. That sentimental moment lasted just that-a moment. Then Mom took this picture:

Sometimes I like to express myself by doing silly things with my clothes. Like turning my bib around backwards which renders it completely useless, but makes me look like a superhero. Sweet. I'll take that trade-off.
This week included five trips to the Splash Pool. Four of them were for swim lessons, one was just for fun. I had SOOOO much fun on the play structure. I could stay up there all day, but Mom and the cousins kept dragging me down to sit in the water. They claimed they were getting cold. I was fine so I'm not sure why there was any kind of problem. Mommy says that's called "egocentrism" and it's alright at my age.

I'd like to introduce you to a friend of mine. His name is Birdman. I know I know, he's a bear, so
why do I call him Birdman?!?! Well you see, he was a Christmas gift from my Greatuncle
Birdman and Greataunt Bonnie so I thought it was only fitting to call him Birdman. Get it? I let him sleep in my bed at night and in exchange, he lets me cuddle him when I'm having a tough time sleeping.

This weekend was Angela and Ray's Daycare camping trip. It was a "howling good time" for all. What I mean by that is that it was WINDY! We were on a group site in a big open field on top of a hill that was like a vortex of swirling wind. But we made the best of it and had a great time with friends. I went to bed a little late-9:00 to be exact. I crashed right away and slept good until 1:00. Then I started crying so Mom and Dad let me get in bed with them. I tried and tried and tried but the wind kept making our tent walls swoosh all over and I just could not sleep. So at 2:00 in the morning, Mom and Dad put on their shoes, wrapped me in a blanket and drove home. Thank goodness the campground is only 15 minutes from our house! I was very flustered on the drive home and didn't even fall asleep despite it being the MIDDLE of the night. I was back to sleep at about 2:45 and slept until almost 10:00 this morning. Mommy and Daddy had to go back to the campground to get our stuff so Grandma Jan flew to the rescue and came to our house to watch me. I helped her and Grandpa Bob do some chores at their house and helped them go grocery shopping. Then I came home and I napped from noon to 3:45. I was back in bed for the night at 6:30. I bet Mommy is worried about what time I'll wake up in the morning. I'm just trying to get back on track is all.
Mommy is pretty disappointed in herself that she didn't raise a better camper, but I'm going to try to get the hang of it.
We got to play at a really cool park at the campground. Here is a picture of Daddy helping me cross the monkey bars.

And here is a picture of Mommy and I coming down a huge tube slide.
We also got to go swimming at the man made swimming pond. What with the wind, none of us kids really lasted that long swimming. Here is a picture of us all lined up on the sidewalk during a safety break.
And here is a picture of me with my buddy Clayton. Note the wind and sunburn on our faces. The entire group was afflicted, parents and kids. An epidemic you could say.

Well, that's all I got for now. Hope you're having as much fun with summer as I am!!!
Peace out!
1 comment:
Well, Peanut, you sure had a fun and busy week! I am tired just reading about all your adventures. I am glad you are having fun with your cousins this summer - I have to be the luckiest grandma in the world to have the three of you as grandchildren! I am looking forward to our time at the lake this week. We should have a fun time with the lake and sand! I love you!
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