It was another weekend of travel for my family. This time we loaded up the family truckster to head to my Great Grandpa Swede's house. He lives down on the Iowa/Minnesota border where people do things a little different. But that's a whole other post. About the re-onion...
Mom and Dad decided the best plan of attack was to leave at nap time. I was having a little trouble falling asleep what with being all excited about the re-onion (NOTE: this will be explained later when I tell you a bout Wuke). I thought putting a blanket over my head would help. Turns out it did and Mom and Dad will never again chastise me for putting myself in such a state of oxygen deprivation.

We got to the re-onion to find all kinds of fun activities taking place. The best activity on Friday was when Great Uncle David got out this HUGE bubble wand. It made bubbles the size of giant pumpkins. Us little kids had all kinds of fun trying to pop them.

This is Wuke. His name is really Luke but as Mom and the other SLPs would say, "He doesn't have his Ls yet." He was big enough to get to try the bubble wand all by himself. He's also the one that coined the phrase re-onion when he told his Grandma Sherry that he didn't want to go to it. I'm glad he changed his mind and I think he was too cuz we all had so much fun. The morning of the re-onion, in fact, he was so excited he couldn't even eat breakfast! (I myself have never been so excited that I would consider missing a meal.)

I also had lots of fun riding around on this toy fire engine. I wonder if that's what it's like for Uncle John? Probably not.

This is my cousin Anders. He lives way far away in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He really liked my red car that I brought with.

We did a good job taking turns with it. Anders has a twin brother named Erik, but he must be a bit camera shy because I can't seem to find any pictures of him on my camera.

The big people played lots of bean bag toss. They actually had a whole tournament with double elimination. I don't exactly what that means except that by some twist of fate, the team that Mom and Dad beat in their first game ended up the champions. Does that mean Mom and Dad are even better than the champs?!?!

Here's Grandpa Swede all ready to go riding with Cousin Tony and his biker gang the Dung Rollers from Wyoming.

Here's my Grandma Jan with her siblings and dad (Grandpa Swede if you didn't figure that out.) Front row, left to right: Judy, Marolyn, Grandpa, Carolyn. Back row: Grandma, Harold, Bert, Jolene.
Grandpa's friend Elaine came up from Evansdale to join the festivities. She's a very sweet lady and brought a gift for me. It's a beautiful flannel blanket. I've already used it at bedtime and it's deliciously comfortable! Thanks Elaine!
Nate and I had lots of fun running around playing with Uncle John. We played softball and ran around with squirt guns. What a great time!
It was an exhausting weekend but a superdeduper fun weekend as well. I'll be excited to do it again next year.
I'm off to rest now.
Tater Bug
HI Taylor -
You were such a joy at the family re-onion. You are such a sweet girl and so darned much fun. Everybody just LOVED you! And I love you to the moon and back!
Grandma Jan
we have that same red car with the blue handle at our house. it is a HIT. we take it to the ballpark, zoo, church picnics!
Brandi-I love the wagon too! Sometimes I'm not so impressed when Mom makes me buckle, but I try my best to cooperate. (At a 15-month-old level of course!)
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