Here I am on Day 1, already in my swimsuit and life jacket ready to take on the lake. After getting over the initial trepidation that is.
I got bored with everyone else so I wandered off to check out the neighbors' dock.
Here's Meggie giving me a ride on her and Nate's jet ski. It was kinda fun but kinda not.
Siren has BEAUTIFUL sunsets that we can see from the screened-in front porch.
Things got really interesting on Day 3 when the big jet ski came and Daddy gave me a ride. Whoa. That's a little much for a baby like me.
What I really liked was "The Islander". It was a huge floaty that had a mesh net in the bottom where I could splash around. Very fun stuff.
Vacation's not all fun and games. Sometimes you have to do work like walk Tati, Grandma and Grandpa's dog.
Sometimes when the other kids and adults get busy, I have to find fun by myself. I found a bat and some croquet balls in the garage. I made do entertaining myself.
Every day there was more fun to be had on the beach. We never got tired of digging.
Pause for a (partial) family picture.

Ah, the good life. Me and my mommy, relaxing on a tube. It's on dry land cuz it got too chilly on Saturday for me to go in the water.
I just wanted to throw this on in because face it, I look very pretty here.
I topped off my weekend with some whip cream. Yep, you're seeing that right-straight out of the can. Hehe!
My weekend in Siren, Wisconsin was great and there are more pictures to see at my flickr site.
I would like to send a shout out to Jim and Lois and thank them for letting our family use their cabin.
Till next time-
Taylor McKenna
Hey Taylor--I'm glad you had fun in Siren. You are welcome to visit anytime. Tell Mom and Dad you want to come back next summer again. We'd love to have you.
Looks like a ton of fun!!!!
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